Here to make a difference.

A little about me.

Thank you for considering me as a candidate for Cypress City Council. I believe Cypress is a great place to raise a family, and it’s one of the reasons why we moved out here. I want to make Cypress a great place for not only my generation, but also future generations, and that’s why I want to serve the community by running for City Council.

I believe my background and experience make me an excellent candidate for city council. After receiving my PhD in Social Psychology from the University of California Irvine, I worked for Riverside County Department of Public Social Services (DPSS) before working with the Orange County Health Care Agency (OCHCA) for 5 years. During my time working for government agencies, I’ve spent a lot of time working with boards and committees as a subject matter expert and presenter, and working with diverse members of the public.

I’m currently a Public Health Statistician at the Center for Health Equity Research at California State University, Long Beach, where I study ways to improve access to health care among Los Angeles and Orange County residents. I’ve spent much of my life devoted to public service. By prioritizing families and people, I think I’ll bring the right values to being an elected official.

My priorities.

Cypress Moves to District Elections.

The City of Cypress recently moved to district voting after being sued for not being in compliance with the California Voting Rights Act (CVRA). Under the CVRA, Asian Americans are a protected class and their voice hasn’t been heard in elections in Cypress city elections. Although Asian Americans make up 40% of the population in Cypress and are the largest ethnic group, they haven’t been on the city council in over 10 years. This is a rare opportunity for residents in District 3 to choose a candidate that best represents their wishes.

Cypress District Map

District 3 encompasses the Sorrento neighborhood, Oxford Academy, Cypress Community Center, Morris Elementary School, and Cypress High School.

Contact me.

Make a donation.

I want to make a difference, but I need your help. Elections take a lot of time and money, so please make a donation to support the cause.